99 Names of Allah (Names of God in Islam).
The 99 Names and Attributes of Allah (SWT).
The first of the five pillars of Islam is belief in Allah (SWT). As Muslims, we believe in Allah in accordance with His beautiful names and attributes. Allah has revealed His names repeatedly in the Holy Quran primarily for us to understand who He is. There is nothing more sacred and blessed than understanding the names of Allah and living by them. How do we expect to worship, love, fear and trust our Lord, The Almighty Allah, if we don’t know who He is?
Allah says in the Quran:
“Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names.” (Qur’an 20:8)
“And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” (Qur’an 7:180)
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
“Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.” (Bukhari)
Abu Hurairah reported Prophet Muhammad SAW as saying:
Verily, there are 99 names for Allah, i.e. hundred excepting one. He who enumerates them would get into Paradise. (Muslim)
Transliteration | Meaning |
AR-RAHMAAN | The Beneficent |
AR-RAHEEM | The Merciful |
AL-MALIK | The Eternal Lord |
AL-QUDDUS | The Most Sacred |
AS-SALAM | The embodiment of Peace |
AL-MU’MIN | The Infuser of Faith |
AL-MUHAYMIN | The Preserver of Safety |
AL-AZIZ | All Mighty |
AL-JABBAR | The Compeller, The Restorer |
AL-MUTAKABBIR | The Supreme, The Majestic |
AL-KHAALIQ | The Creator, The Maker |
AL-BAARI | The Evolver |
AL-MUSAWWIR | The Fashioner |
AL-GHAFFAR | The Great Forgiver |
AL-QAHHAR | The All-Prevailing One |
AL-WAHHAAB | The Supreme Bestower |
AR-RAZZAAQ | The Provider |
AL-FATTAAH | The Supreme Solver |
AL-‘ALEEM | The All-Knowing |
AL-QAABID | The Withholder |
AL-BAASIT | The Extender |
AL-KHAAFIDH | The Reducer |
AR-RAAFI’ | The Exalter, The Elevator |
AL-MU’IZZ | The Honourer, The Bestower |
AL-MUZIL | The Dishonourer, The Humiliator |
AS-SAMEE’ | The All-Hearing |
AL-BASEER | The All-Seeing |
AL-HAKAM | The Impartial Judge |
AL-‘ADL | The Utterly Just |
AL-LATEEF | The Subtle One, The Most Gentle |
AL-KHABEER | The All-Aware |
AL-HALEEM | The Most Forbearing |
AL-‘AZEEM | The Magnificent, The Supreme |
AL-GHAFOOR | The Great Forgiver |
ASH-SHAKOOR | The Most Appreciative |
AL-‘ALEE | The Most High, The Exalted |
AL-KABEER | The Preserver, The All-Heedful and All-Protecting |
AL-HAFEEDH | The Preserver |
AL-MUQEET | The Sustainer |
AL-HASEEB | The Reckoner |
AL-JALEEL | The Majestic |
AL-KAREEM | The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed |
AR-RAQEEB | The Watchful |
AL-MUJEEB | The Responsive One |
AL-WAASI’ | The All-Encompassing, the Boundless |
AL-HAKEEM | The All-Wise |
AL-WADUD | The Most Loving |
AL-MAJEED | The Glorious, The Most Honorable |
AL-BA’ITH | The Infuser of New Life |
ASH-SHAHEED | The All Observing Witnessing |
AL-HAQQ | The Absolute Truth |
AL-WAKEEL | The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs |
AL-QAWIYY | The All-Strong |
AL-MATEEN | The Firm, The Steadfast |
AL-WALIYY | The Protecting Associatey |
AL-HAMEED | The Praiseworthy |
AL-MUHSEE | The All-Enumerating, The Counter |
AL-MUBDI | The Originator, The Initiator |
AL-MUEED | The Restorer, The Reinstater |
AL-MUHYI | The Giver of Life |
AL-MUMEET | The Inflicter of Death |
AL-HAYY | The Ever-Living |
AL-QAYYOOM | The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting |
AL-WAAJID | The Perceiver |
AL-MAAJID | The Illustrious, the Magnificent |
AL-WAAHID | The One |
AL-AHAD | The Unique, The Only One |
AS-SAMAD | The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs |
AL-QADEER | The Omnipotent One |
AL-MUQTADIR | The Powerful |
AL-MUQADDIM | The Expediter, The Promoter |
AL-MU’AKHKHIR | The Delayer |
AL-AWWAL | The First |
AL-AAKHIR | The Last |
AZ-ZAAHIR | The Manifest |
AL-BAATIN | The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden |
AL-WAALI | The Governor, The Patron |
AL-MUTA’ALI | The Self Exalted |
AL-BARR | The Source of All Goodness |
AT-TAWWAB | The Ever-Pardoning, The Relenting |
AL-MUNTAQIM | The Avenger |
AL-‘AFUWW | The Pardoner |
AR-RA’OOF | The Most Kind |
MAALIK-UL-MULK | Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion |
DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM | Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity |
AL-MUQSIT | The Just One |
AL-JAAMI’ | The Gatherer, the Uniter |
AL-GHANIYY | The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy |
AL-MUGHNI | The Enricher |
AL-MANI’ | The Withholder |
AD-DHARR | The Distresser |
AN-NAFI’ | The Propitious, the Benefactor |
AN-NUR | The Light, The Illuminator |
AL-HAADI | The Guide |
AL-BADEE’ | The Incomparable Originator |
AL-BAAQI | The Everlasting |
AL-WAARITH | The Inheritor, The Heir |
AR-RASHEED | The Guide, Infallible Teacher |
AS-SABOOR | The Forbearing, The Patient |